Top 5 Advanced Jazz Moves

If you are a dancer. It is important that you also know some advanced dance moves. Even if you are level 1. You should a little bit of some level 2 or 3 moves. So if you want to move up. Show your teacher all the practicing and hard work you have put for these advanced moves. So if you want to do that. Then here 5 advanced moves.

  • Reverse Switch Leaps.                                                                                                            Reverse switch leaps is a leap that you do in the air. It is a switch leap mixed with a reverse leap. How you do it: First you do a chasse ( put your right leg in front. Then your left leg reaches you right leg than your right leg moves forward) You do that once. Then you do 2 steps and you put your right leg out and then you switch to a left leg leap. By turning your body the other way and lifting your right leg to the ceiling. And your left leg goes diagonal to the ground.
  • Ice Skating Turns                                                                                                                     Ice skating turns a turn. You need a lot of force, but also control. If you don’t have control you will fall on the ground. How you do it: You do a double turn with your leg in passe ( You put 1 leg up. And put your foot where your knee is on the other foot. Then you turn) Then you slowly bring the foot from passe down to coupe ( 1 foot goes to your ankle. Your knee should be facing the side) You do as much turns as you can. But while you are turning in coupe, you bring your arms up all the way above your head. And they should be connected with each other.
  • Ring leap                                                                                                                                     Ring leap is a leap but you stay in place. The reverse switch leap you travel. This leap you stay in place. How you do it: Your in fifth position and you do a plie (Your right heel is touching your left foot. Then you bend your legs) Then you leap. Your right leg reaches diagonal to the ground. And your left leg is a little bent and you arch your back. And your leg is up in the air.
  • Lay Out                                                                                                                                       A Lay Out is almost the splits in the air. But instead of both your legs up in the air. Only 1 leg is. This is how you do it: You have your right leg on the ground completely straight. Your left leg goes up in the air. Now you have to arch your back like you are doing a back bend but don’t put your hands on the ground. Then your leg should go up higher. And it should be in a straight line or past a straight line. Witch would be a over split lay out.
    • Pitch                                                                                                                                 

A pitch is the center spits but almost in the air. Its almost like a lay out. But instead it’s in your center splits. Not your side splits. This is how you do it: You keep your left leg on the ground. and your right leg is up. Now you have to lean the way your leg is facing. Then you grab your right leg and pull it towards you. While you are leaning sideways.

These are advanced moves. If you don’t get it in the beginning. That is fine. You just have to keep practicing.  Sorry that my spelling for the french jazz/ballet words might be spelled wrong.  What do you think would be the easiest for you?

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